• Breakup:
    • 30% Mid term
    • 70% Finals
  • Concepts:
    • The module is split into two parts, the first half covers topics at A-level standard, while the second half introduces some advanced topics. New topics include power series, Fourier series, multivariate calculus and line integrals
  • Preparation:
    • Lecturers go through material rather quickly due to limited lecture time. However, a multitude of videos are provided on the IVLE for reference if students are unsure of any material covered. Tutorials are important as some harder questions are covered by tutors which are more representative of the difficulty levels of the exams. Tutor quality may vary. Topics build strongly on each other so make sure you have a strong understanding of the foundations covered in the first part before moving on to the second. Speed and accuracy is important for this module, as time given will be barely sufficient to complete the exam papers. Sufficient practise material will be given during reading week to build competency.